' Oh, freedom ! '
by Thaddeus Hutyra


Oh, freedom, my love !
Freedom ... Svoboda....Azadi....
Wolnosc ... Freiheit .... Liberdade
Libération .... Libertad .... Libertà
You, the one sought
within us ourselves
and far behind.
Oh, freedom, my delight !
as crystal clear spring water
from a mountain brook.
Who are you
my dear freedom ?
Are you the one
of a free will?
Of liberty of rights ?
Are you a political freedom ?
A freedom of choice
or freedom of speech ?
Or both ?
Of moral responsibility?
An academic one ?
or earthly one
one of a matter of fact ?
Are you scientific one
or religious one
with a religion
or without ?
Ethical freedom?
Legal freedom ?
Moral freedom?

Oh, freedom, my love !
Freedom ... Svoboda....Azadi....
Wolnosc ... Freiheit .... Liberdade
Libération .... Libertad .... Libertà.
So many questions
as many individuals.
Everybody desiring
you, my dear freedom
the one and only one.
Freedom, my longing !
You, the ray of light
from one's mind
and one's soul !
Freedom, my thirst !
The splash
of daily sunshine
and of the nightly
shimmering stars
getting into my mind
one's mind !
Freedom, my wish !
The brilliance
a matrix of all ideas
imaginable or not.
'Once bitten twice shy'
no, this is not
what freedom is about !

Oh, freedom, my love !
Freedom ... Svoboda....Azadi....
Wolnosc ... Freiheit .... Liberdade
Libération .... Libertad .... Libertà
And who are you, freedom?
Why some are desiring you
and some other hate you?
Why individualistic societies
welcome you with open hands
while societies ' governed '
by absurd tyrannies
and hostile ideologies
chain you, often more
than it's necessary?
Why in some parts
of this incredulous world
you are part of one's life
every single day
while in other societies
you are hidden
behind a noun's black cloth
and even deep in one's mind?
Oh, freedom, evergreen
you the one, our path !
Oh, freedom, my desire
and silver-mounted
so precious
yet forgotten at times !

Oh, freedom, my love !
Freedom ... Svoboda....Azadi....
Wolnosc ... Freiheit .... Liberdade
Libération .... Libertad .... Libertà
To those
who disregard freedom
I am saying
freedom isn't rain-worm
neither some rodent
used by snake-charmers
to feed snakes.
Freedom isn't content
with invading other nations
freedom isn't supporting
anyone who's on path
of terror or a tyrannic abuse.
Freedom isn't
a snake in the grass.
On the contrary
freedom is staunchly
both, for the best of you
and towards those most needy.
Freedom is for all of us
freedom is a crown
on everyone's head.
You're a king
as everyone else !
Freedom is your roofing
safeguarding you
from whatever storms.
Freedom is silver-plated
while you're gold-plated.
She serves you
while you are her master.

Oh, freedom, my love !
Freedom ... Svoboda....Azadi....
Wolnosc ... Freiheit .... Liberdade
Libération .... Libertad .... Libertà
You're the one we wish
one we cherish
when you're around
or not around.
One we desire
any time
to be part of us
forever !
In the sunshine
and the rain
In the spooky shadows
of even more ghastly twilights
which fall upon us
from time to time.
The one we desire
especially when
you are denied to us
as if cosmic ships
filled with aliens
conquered us.
The one which is
a sister to our soul
a part of God's design.

Oh, freedom, my love !
Freedom ... Svoboda....Azadi....
Wolnosc ... Freiheit .... Liberdade
Libération .... Libertad .... Libertà.
I mean a real freedom .
One which fulfills everyone
a man, a woman, a child
one which makes sure
one isn't harassed
neither by a government
nor by any system
or any ideology
nor by a religion.
Freedom, the one
for which an individual
is a centerpiece
of everything
like a star on a sky.
Freedom which serves one
to the last breath.
Freedom which enables one
to be oneself
at any time and any place.
You are a freethinker
you take liberties
with something
and nobody thinks
you're a stranger
then there is a chance
you're lucky to live
in a free society
a free country.
Only then
any individual is one
with you, freedom.
Only then
every single person
can call aloud
' I shall never give you up '
for the life of me!
Only then
we shall all unite
and catch up
on what you're for
my dear Statue of Liberty !

Oh, freedom, my love !
Freedom ... Svoboda....Azadi....
Wolnosc ... Freiheit .... Liberdade
Libération .... Libertad .... libertà

' Oh, freedom ! '
Copyright © Thaddeus Hutyra , April, 2013
All Rights Reserved

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