' Life is a Boomerang '
by Thaddeus Hutyra


Life is a boomerang
You love you are loved
the rays of the Sun
are turning into orchestra
finest you ever saw and heard
a celestial one

Life is a boomerang
You dream your dreams are returned
a prince on a white horse
coming to you
holding you in his arms
the whole sweet night

Life is a boomerang
you fear worst fears become reality
nightmares compete
among themselves
demons and vampires
take your life over

Life is a boomerang
you're courageous
your courage is awarded
One day president of the nation
awards you with a medallion
You’re hero everybody talks about

Life is a boomerang
You’re saying you’re tired
this really happens double so
Your knees can no longer
bring you up
let’s alone allow you having a walk

Life is a boomerang
You suffer
despair takes over you
No inner peace
but contradictory feelings
throw you down the abyss

Life is a boomerang
Whatever you say
whatever you do
it’s punished or awarded
Be careful thus
choose the cheerful side

' Life is a Boomerang ' by Thaddeus Hutyra 
© Thaddeus Hutyra 06/12/2014
All Rights Reserved

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