' Babe, my babe '
by Thaddeus Hutyra


Look at you babe, my babe
I am your secret lover
loving you most in the world
giving you everything I have
cherishing you as nobody else

Look at you babe, my babe
you’re sitting there nearby
I can’t take my eyes off you
‘cause you’re angel in the very day
a beauty of all times

Look at you babe, my babe
your face is a sparkling sunshine
your features are carved by angels
your body a sweet perfection
invitation to feast and delight ourselves

Look at you babe, my babe
you’re honey to drink on and on
you’re a teddy bear to play with
a starship to enter feverishly
on the way to our orgasmic bliss

You know babe, my sweet babe
you’re object of my desires and my lust
I don’t care it’s a sin or not
‘cause I have fallen in love
and you’re my goddess, my love

Just last night while in my bed
I dreamt of you the whole night
My wishes were fulfilled
you came, shared my bed
I was in all states

Now I am looking at you, my babe
knowing we had our love
one which has created
our own star far on the firmament
of the nightly starry skies

Oh, look at you babe, my babe
you’re my princes, princess of love
Oh, come the night, let’s share my bed
and fly on our starship of love
into the furthest dimensions of love

' Babe, my babe ' by Thaddeus Hutyra
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