' Despair '
/ A shorter version /
by Thaddeus Hutyra


See the woman at the lake shore
with a river of tears
flowing from her cheeks
streaming down into the lake
She is lost in a despair
cause she had a lover now gone
nowhere to be found anymore
One doesn't have to have eagle eyes
to see her despair is unbearable
impossible to withstand
The one she loves is gone
definitely too much for her to bear
Yet yesterday she was happy
dancing among the roses in the garden
Happiness turned into a despair now
What a mockery of life
the soulful one into a soulless one !
The face of life has suddenly turned itself
to a face of death, dark as a witch
and though she is still living
agonizingly, in a full blown pain

See the woman at the lake shore
the lake which is turning itself
into a sea, the sea of tears, her tears
cause she is no longer able to withstand
the departure of her loved one
the one who has always been her life
the life no longer there
as if a shimmering star
were swallowed by some monster
She doesn't understand
why he is gone away
Shall she ever ?
They had so many lovely moments
caring for each other
kissing each other
loving each other
an unbroken love

See the woman at the sea shore
overwhelmed by her despair
pulling hair out of her head
tearing her dress apart
Her cry being heard
across the vast sea
being echoed more and more powerfully
while the sea itself is becoming
more and more stormy
as if feeling the current
flowing from her overwhelming despair
Stay away sailors from this sea
if you do not want to get drowned
in its merciless depths
and remember whoever you are
no more love you and leave you
but love you forever love you
or hear no mercy, cease to exist

See the woman at the ocean shore
with an endless cry
No, she will never be able
to accept the evil
anchored on her and in her
piercing her from within
eating her mind, her heart
and her soul as much
leaving nothing left of her
but her, the leaving dead indeed
See the woman at the ocean shore
a step from throwing herself
into the immense, dark depths
May the sharks swallow her
and make the end of her
No chance to her soul as well
damned for now, cursed forever

Oh, angels, strike back at the evil
the one who stole the heart
of the woman's loved one
cause he, the one she loves
is only her last chance
Gone for good ? No, this can't !!
Look at the thunderstorm
above the ocean and the land
Look closely now, there
from some shadowy environment
a male figure appears
He's walking slowly
towards the woman at the ocean shore
While a step from her
he extends his hand to her

See the woman at the ocean shore
and the ocean itself
which is rapidly turning back to the sea
and then the sea back to a lake
full of swans in love
See the woman now at the lake shore
transforming herself
in the blink of an eye
from the living dead
to the one she has always been
the hauntingly ethereal
most beautiful
and a fiercely happy woman
a woman in love, indeed
She is now in the arms
of her loved one
the lover she thought she lost
My goodness, he has returned !
She's in his arms !!

They dance a tango
their own tango, the tango of love
Smiling are angels
and dancing a tango as well
to the tunes of a symphony
the symphony of love, indeed
There is no trace of despair in the air
neither of the thunderstorm anymore
and instead there is a sunshine
from the summery Sun's rays
seeming to be dancing as much
to the tunes of the Symphony of Love
The woman in love and her lover
are dancing and dancing
their tango of love
in the embrace of the Sun
and soon also
in the embrace of the shimmering stars
all belonging to them
A triumph of love
no longer a broken promise
Well, there is though a happy end !!

' Despair ' by Thaddeus Hutyra / a shorter version /
Copyright © Thaddeus Hutyra, March 2014
All Rights Reserved.

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