' Don't back down, Ukrainians ! '
by Thaddeus Hutyra


Despite various dangers
imminent crackdown especially
the protesters stayed firmly
on the Euromaidan Square
of Kiev, the Ukrainian capital
ever since November
in subfreezing temperatures
day by day, night by night
December passed, then January
and the standoff continued
with the Yanukovych's regime
Then February came
While the freeze stayed as always
the political temperatures
were boiling up
On one February night
filled with the shining stars
weaved on the heavenly curtain
behind which chorus of angels
performed in heavenly opera
when most people
tried to get a bit sleep
ghosts of evil appeared at 4 a.m.
the infamous Berkut militia
began storming the barricades
set up by protesters
young men and women
ready to give their lives
for their beloved Ukraine
Rubber shots were fired
molotov coctails
and burning car tires
in exchange
smoke and filthy air
engulfed the Euromaidan
' We won't back down '
- shouted the protesters angrily
Enough was enough
no more the never ending
subbordination to unfair rulers
' We want freedom
back in Europe ! '
Yet the the answer
were … the real bullets
from the storming Berkut militias
One after the other
freedom fighters
were falling down to the ground
never again standing up
The earth soaking
with their own blood
the blood gifted to the nation
in order to achieve
dreamt about
for centuries
liberty shining more
than any diamond
any precious stone
any riches
cause liberty was the greatest
of all riches

The shots were enough
to wake up a million of bells
The diamond bell, Bell of Life
was already watching
the Euromaidan's rivers of blood
brought upon freedom defenders
by ruthless and corrupted rulers
under the command
of the president Yanukovych himself
The circle of fortune
made a maddening turn
just within a day
and while the nation mourned
the murdered heroes of Euromaidan
the president and some officials
from within oligarchy
as he himself
found themselves left powerless
and had no other choice
as to depart hurriedly
and be on the run
The Bell of Life
was ringing and tinkling
all the time from the very beginning
assisting freedom fighters
as it only could
sound with sound
cry with cry
shout with shout
as if with arm on arm
brothers in arms, indeed
and when the victory
finally was achieved
the Bell of Life
cheered with a burst
enthusiastic beyond anything to say
out of which starry diamonds
spread into the hearts
of all Ukrainians
letting them begin their trips
towards newly discovered liberty
the liberty of their own nation
and freedoms
their own individual freedoms
tasting like nothing so far
and everything from now on
Oh, heroes of Euromaidan
you're thanked for all times to come !
The Bell of Life
shall narrate stories about you
for all times to come as well
Long live liberty
long live free Ukraine
long live Bell of Life
your bell, Ukrainians
as much as the bell
of all mankind
for all mankind
forever on !

Don't surrender, Ukrainians
don't let Putin
who is pulling the strings
to win over you.
Ukraine can never again
be subordinated to Russia
Never again !!
Fight back, Ukrainian people
cause Ukraine must belong to you
and not to those Kremlin thugs
wanting to bring you down
as they did for centuries
Defend your EuroMaidan, people of Ukraine
for the light of enlightenment
shining here, at the Maidan Square
is stronger than rivers of blood

Remember the Declaration
of Independence of Ukraine
The Euromaidan One
the sub-freezing temperatures
and snow never melting down
as then so now
Yes, liberty must come
to Ukraine
Don't backdown, heroes of EuroMaidan !
Don't backdown, people of Ukraine !
Fight back
catch the Star of Liberty
and bring her home
to Ukraine
forever !!

' Don't back down, Ukrainians ! ' by Thaddeus Hutyra
Thaddeus Hutyra. © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

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