'My Lord '
by Thaddeus Hutyra

He was kneeling on the forest clearing
under the moonless, unwelcoming sky
decorated though by the pearly stars
My Lord, he prayed, with tears in his eyes
bring me away from my dire misery
change my fate, change my destiny, please

Oh, ring, ring, ring in my soul, my Lord
tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in my heart, my Lord
buzz, buzz, buzz in my ears, my Lord
jingle, jingle, jingle in my head, my Lord
thunder, thunder in my mind, my Lord
let me be loved, forever loved, my Lord

I loved her more than anything else
she was my singing bluebird, my angel
my dear treasure, dearest in the world
Yet she is gone now for good, for no reason
and no chance to see her again, I fear
My Lord, bring her back to me, please

Oh, ring, ring, ring in my soul, my Lord
tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in my heart, my Lord
buzz, buzz, buzz in my ears, my Lord
jingle, jingle, jingle in my head, my Lord
rumble and resound, and echo, my Lord
let me be loved, forever loved, my Lord

The sky seemed to be a symphony of souls
in which the brightly effervescent stars
were like plentiful of celestial, starry pianos
their keyboards touched by God’s Hand
The three tenors seemed to be heard 
alongside the starry philharmonic play

Oh, ring, ring, ring in my soul, my Lord 
tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in my heart, my Lord
buzz, buzz, buzz in my ears, my Lord
jingle, jingle, jingle in my head, my Lord
ignite sparks of change in my fate, my Lord 
let me be loved, forever loved, my Lord

He was still kneeling on the forest clearing
praying the whole night, weeping at times
He could never ever agree with his loss
by no longer having her at his side
no longer hearing her crystal voice
her laugh of pure joy, seeing her happy face

Oh, ring, ring, ring in my soul, my Lord 
tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in my heart, my Lord
buzz, buzz, buzz in my ears, my Lord
jingle, jingle, jingle in my head, my Lord
thunder, thunder with lightnings, my Lord
let me be loved, forever loved, my Lord

At the twilighted dawn, with plenty of hues
when the stars were slowly disappearing 
and the celestial philharmonic play
was accentuated by evolving rays of the Sun
piercing through the shield of the dawn
he stood up and headed home, though unhappy

Oh, ring, ring, ring in my soul, my Lord 
tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in my heart, my Lord
buzz, buzz, buzz in my ears, my Lord
jingle, jingle, jingle in my head, my Lord
resound with your good will, my Lord
let me be loved, forever loved, my Lord

What was his delightful surprise when he saw
the woman he loved the most stood there
on the doorstep, with welcoming hands
He ran to her and took her in his arms
made a whirlwind dance, then kissed her
God heard him, she was back with him !

Oh, ring, ring, ring in my soul, my Lord 
tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in my heart, my Lord
buzz, buzz, buzz in my ears, my Lord
jingle, jingle, jingle in my head, my Lord
reverberate with good news, my Lord
be thanked, forever thanked, my Lord

' My Lord ' by Thaddeus Hutyra 
© Thaddeus Hutyra 29/12/2014
All Rights Reserved

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