" Acropolis "
by Thaddeus Hutyra


Acropolis, oh, Acropolis of Athens
you, the ancient citadel on a rocky hilltop
standing proudly above eternal city

Acropolis, oh, Acropolis of Athens
withstanding time unlike Atlantis
a proud testimony of ancient civilization

Acropolis, oh, Acropolis of Athens
housing the magnificent Parthenon
dedicated to the goddess Athena

Acropolis, oh, Acropolis of Athens
housing also the mesmerizing Erechtheion
and the temple of Athena Nike, a divine sanctuary

Acropolis, oh, Acropolis of Athens
standing there on guard for freedoms
and permanency of human achievements

Acropolis, oh, Acropolis of Athens
you, the cradle of ancient democracy
under the canvas of heavenly sky

Acropolis, oh, Acropolis of Athens
you, the most impressive monument
on the European and World's Cultural Heritage

Acropolis, oh, Acropolis of Athens
the statue of everlasting civilization
a symbol of as much everlasting democracy


" Acropolis " by Thaddeus Hutyra
Copyright © Thaddeus Hutyra
All Rights Reserved.

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