' Heroes of EuroMaidan ! '
by Thaddeus Hutyra


Oh, Heroes of EuroMaidan !
Berkut is storming your barricades
and you, the peaceful protesters
Water cannons, live ammunition
are being used
They want you get terrorized
they want you get killed
they, the traitors
on the Kremlin's orders
Oh, Heroes of EuroMaidan
you want nothing more
but freedom
back to Europe !
Oh, Heroes of EuroMaidan
you shall achieve
what you demand
sooner or later !
Your desired liberty
is on the march
coming to you !!

Ukrainian people
you're bathing right now in blood
rivers of blood
at the EuroMaidan
your Independnce Square
Liberty and enlightenment
are also bathing in blood
rivers of blood
The police squad launched
a brutal attack
shortly after 4 a.m.
A number of protesters
the freedom fighters
were murdered
their souls still wondering
around the Maidan Square.
Don't surrender, Ukrainians
don't let Putin
who is pulling the strings
to win over you.
Ukraine can never again
be subordinated to Russia
Never again !!
Stand up, Ukrainian people
it's time now and only now
to get the torch of liberty
firmly into your hands
with flames of independence
forever from now on
like that of the Olympics
Fight back, Ukrainian people
cause Ukraine must belong to you
and not to those Kremlin thugs
wanting to bring you down
as they did for centuries
You shall ultimately win, people of Ukraine
You shall return to your rightful place
your beloved Europe
Stay on the EuroMaidan, people of Ukraine
cause "This is an island of freedom"
which " we will defend "
as Vitaly Klitschko has said
Defend your EuroMaidan, people of Ukraine
for the light of enlightenment
shining here, at the Maidan Square
is stronger than rivers of blood

Remember the Declaration
of Independence of Ukraine
The Euromaidan One
the sub-freezing temperatures
and snow never melting down
as then so now
Yes, liberty must come
to Ukraine
Don't backdown, heroes of EuroMaidan
fight back
catch the Star of Liberty
and bring her home
to Ukraine
forever !!

' Heroes of EuroMaidan ! ' by Thaddeus Hutyra
Thaddeus Hutyra. © 2014. All Rights Reserved.

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